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20 Nov

Three Reasons to Keep a Courier on Speed Dial

Three Reasons to Keep a Courier on Speed DialEven in these modern times of scanning, email, fax, and high-speed connectivity, the delivery service business is still one throwback that we can’t do without. Messengers have been necessary since the dawn of civilization, and even having the ability to send almost anything with the click of a button has not changed that. The internet, sadly, can’t help you if you have a package that needs to be delivered.

To further complicate things, unpredictability, human error, and the high stakes surrounding the transmission of important documents and objects can mean that traditional mailing services are not even always the best option for your package delivery needs. In the interest of protecting your business and keeping the cogs moving, here are three reasons to keep a private courier service on speed dial.

When the mailman doesn’t show up.

That package would have been delivered perfectly on time, if only the mailman had actually picked up your mail yesterday. Unfortunately, even in the ever vigilant U.S. Postal Service system, mistakes get made and some routes might get left out. In your particular case, it meant that your package was suddenly in need of same day shipping service. Fortunately, there are a number of couriers who are on-call to deliver packages or documents at any time.

When you can’t take any chances.

Package delivery services are often very reliable. However, if you are using a traditional delivery service business, then at the end of the day you are still entrusting your package into a system filled with hundreds of thousands of other packages. Choosing a private courier is essentially opting for special treatment. Reliability and safety are two big reasons why courier services are often preferred in the delivery service business, when you can’t afford to take any chances.

When you’ve made a big mistake.

There will be times when human error, possibly even yours, causes a package or important document to not make it into the mailing system in the appropriate timeframe. When this is the case, same day or next day delivery service provided by a courier can ensure that a quick solution is found and your documents or package get to their destination on time. There are 24 hour delivery options with many courier services, so as long as the delivery will not need to violate the laws of physics, a courier can get your package where it needs to go, when it needs to get there.

According to IBISWorld Research, there are more than 43,656 global courier and delivery service companies in an industry which generates approximately $205 billion in revenue annually. For certain companies and industries, there is too much at stake to risk missing a delivery. If a part is keeping your assembly line from running, if a contract signature is holding up an important business deal, or if court documents need to have been mailed out yesterday, then you might find that a private courier service is your best option.

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